The Speech We’ve Been Missing

We’re not willing to sacrifice that 1 or 2%. That is not who we are. It isn’t what we are. It’s not what we believe. We are going to fight every way we can... because that’s what it means to be an American
— New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

We’re in the midst of making so many big decisions as a nation. Real debate is out there about the tradeoffs we’re making in the short, mid and long term. There are actions being taken that are not always consistent or clear. States are making different decisions on their own than our Federal government. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took a real stand today as you can see by that quote. He did an exceptionally blunt job of laying out the problem and the needs of the state. New York is in crisis mode. But does the federal government share his prioritization? Does it share his values or those of other states?

In this time, we need clarity of thought and communication that rallies the nation. We need that big speech that unites us all. At the end of the day, it almost doesn’t matter what the plan is, we just need to know what it is, why it is, and how we play a part and that it will all be worth it. I’ve written a draft of that speech and titled the sections with general parts that need to be said Replace any section you want with whatever it is you think is right. Ultimately, what matters more is that we pick one course, communicate, be consistent, be unified at all levels and get busy moving forward. Don’t get hung up on the details, fill in whatever blanks. I’ve left out Let’s hope we get this speech soon and whatever it is, I’ll be behind it.

The Problem

My Fellow Americans,

We are facing an enemy unlike any we have faced before.   We have not been faced with an attack like this on our entire country, and in fact, upon the entire world, all at once.  Like radiation after a nuclear blast, this enemy is invisible. But it will silently make its way from one person to the next, with some unaffected and others being killed.  This virus spreads faster than anything we’ve ever seen before. Our experts have warned that if we don’t take drastic measures we may lose the lives of 1-2% of our population.   

Our Values are Driving our Priorities

The value of saving life is our number one priority.  Our current projections show that if we do not take the actions we’ve outlined, between 3-6 million people will die.  This would double or triple the number of people who already die from any and all causes each year in our country. We are focused on avoiding this outcome.  Every American life is important to us and our values dictate we will do everything we can to save them. With this there is no compromise and preventing their death is our number one priority.

What We Need Each Citizen to do and Why

In these times, I’m calling on YOU to support your country.  Your role is critical in the war on this virus. To support your fellow Americans you must STAY HOME.  This is how you can contribute to the war against the virus.  Do not go to the beach, do not go socialize with your friends. If you fail to comply, you are going to make this ordeal last a lot longer and you are sentencing your fellow citizens to death.  These citizens are your mothers, your grandfathers, your uncles, coaches, and pastors. You are abandoning the healthcare workers on the front lines of this war and leaving them to die. Prior generations sacrificed their lives, their wealth and their well being for our way of life and for each other.  All we are asking is that you just stay at home.

If we don’t do this as a nation, our hospital systems will in effect become inoperable. All of our hospital beds will be occupied by patients sick with this plague.  Many of them will die because of a lack of beds and tools to keep them alive.

Many of our hospital workers, who are our front line soldiers, are going to succumb to the virus, some of whom will die.  This means our hospitals will have fewer workers.  

If our hospitals are full of victims of the virus and have fewer workers, they will be unable to treat the millions of Americans who need life saving care every year.  Many more Americans will die because we will be unable to support their care.

By staying home, you are preventing more infections.  You are preventing car accidents. You are preventing more reasons to burden the healthcare system at this time. You are doing your part.

Being Transparent about the Tradeoff

These actions are going to have devastating consequences to our economy.  We know this. But be assured, we will not let you fall into economic ruin.  We are committed to protecting the businesses who employ, the workers who need a wage, and the investors and banks who provide capital.  We will get through this and resume our position as the greatest free market society in history.

We’ll Take Care of Businesses, Banks AND Employees.

For workers who are losing their jobs and will struggle through this ordeal, we know that having a roof over your head is the most basic and primary need of all Americans.  As a citizen, you will not be penalized for failing to pay your mortgage or rent.

  • Starting now, no one can be evicted or have their credit score adversely affected for missed payments.  Landlords and banks will be compensated for this when we emerge.

  • We are working with states & local municipalities to ensure the food supply keeps rolling. If there are issues here, we’ll make sure that they have our full support to keep feeding the nation.  No one will miss a meal.

  • Utility companies will ensure everyone has water and electricity.  No one will be shut off.  

  • Healthcare for the most critical issues will remain open and serving.

  • In addition, we will deliver cash to every adult and an additional amount for each child in each household.  You can decide if you need this or if you want to decline the check and this will be a tax deductible donation. This is not a stimulus to increase spending. This will be enough to get you through your needs such as food, and medicine. It is a bridge.

For businesses who employ workers, all debt payments are on a moratorium with basic demonstrable criteria.  The government will provide assistance to anyone who needs it but based on a demonstration of need.

For banks who provide capital, we will be your backstop and ensure your balance sheets are protected and you have an incentive to join the economic front of this battle.  We will need your help to enable our businesses to emerge from this war with the ability to operate again.

The War on the Virus

Now onto the war on this virus.  We need help in getting our soldiers the gear they need to fight the virus.  So we’re immediately kicking off several initiatives. 

Personal Protective gear will be critical to our front line soldiers.  The commercial supply chain for professional grade PPE are hereby prioritized for sale and distribution for only this purpose.

  • We are asking for clothing manufacturers to immediately shift production to Personal PPE, including masks, and gloves.

  • We are asking for distilleries and other commercial manufacturers to shift production to higher concentration alcohol and to produce hand sanitizers.

  • We are asking for increased production of ventilators including parts, services, training and distribution.

  • For each of these areas, and many more, we have published a procurement website with contracts already loaded.  Visit

I know the disruption is frustrating and impacts every aspect of our life.  But it is required to save the lives of our friends, family and neighbors. As Americans it's in our blood to sacrifice. We remember the sacrifices our forefathers made to create this free nation.  We remember the sacrifices they made to end slavery. We remember the sacrifices we made to defeat the nazis and end the horror of the holocaust. We fought the communists and we’ve fought the terrorists. We are resilient, and we will find ways to support each other, innovate and find clever and new ways to persevere and live forward.  But most of all, we will prevail and re-emerge stronger than ever.

Final Summary and Call to Action

As a nation, we take protecting the life of each citizen as the most sacred of duties.  We are focused on avoiding mass casualties from the virus. We are aware of the economic damage and we will protect everyone on that front as well.  We have called upon the great American enterprises to shift their focus and contribute to the war immediately. We haven been fortunate. We have not had a war on our soil in over 150 years. But now we do. And it's our time to unite, band together and each do our part.  We must show that we are strong, resilient and up to the task just as our forefathers and elders were in their time. I know the American spirit. This is our chance to shine.

Thank you, and god bless America!


Differences on Display


Infection, Testing, and the Cure